All artwork on this website is copyrighted by the artist and may not be duplicated without permission.

Frank Costanzo Pop Art

 NOW LISTED!I consider myself more of an illustrator than an artist. With attention to detail, I love bright colors and a retro style similar to the old rock n' roll posters of the 1960's with a little bit of the chaos thrown in. A background in advertising has inspired me to incorporate many different typefaces into many of my works. That and my weird sense of humor hopefully makes my art somewhat different and unique.

While to some, my art may seem silly or trivial. But if you look closely, many have much more meaning and commentary regarding the condition of the world we currently live in. And I love, love, love to hide stuff throughout my works.
So if you've followed me for awhile or are just finding me, welcome or welcome back. It continues to be a bumpy and joyous ride.

Look for me this summer through the fall at many shows and galleries that are listed on this site. NOW LISTED!


Copyright 2018 Frank Costanzo

Whether it is current events or historical moments, Frank captures the topic and the people and presents them in various ways from funny to thought provoking.

The world is full of experiences.  Everybody has some type of memory, hobby, adventure, family experience, among other things that they want to capture.  Frank takes the aspects of these and brings them to life.

Frank has a vast knowledge and passion for music.  Recognizing rock 'n roll's influence on the history of music, Frank transforms his music passion into art. 


